Image retrieved from: Circle Pad is combined with the touch screen, traditional buttons, camera, microphone input, and advanced motion control of the Motion Sensor and Gyro Sensor, the potential is extraordinary. The amasing thing that the new Nintendo inclueds is the Motion and Gyro Sensors. As the players are twisting their systems or moving them up or down, their system will respond instanly.
Has to camaras to see in 3D just as we do. Letting us have 3D pictures as well. The screens let you see well, if some users use glasses they will not need them. The new nintendo comes with its own charging cradel. You can leave the nintendo charging over day or night having to put it in sleep mode for it to maintains its power. It also has a 3D Depth Slider allowing the player to immediately adjust the 3D settings on the Nintendo 3DS system. The 3D effect can also be turned down completely, Nintendo 3DS games and applications can be played in 2D, and look better than any Nintendo handheld before it. The cost of the new Nintendo is $249.99
My game is about saving the animals that live locaded to where the glacers are located at. The homes of so many animals are being distroided. So the celebrity I would attach to my game would be Prince Royce because he is a bachata singer. I really love the way his musics sounds. Maybe with him in are game some fans of him will play are game and learn about the danger thats ocurring in with the glacers. If we maybe we have him say something about are game on tv or at concerts he has there will be a posability a lot of fans will play are game and see what we are trying to educate the world.
I would market my game by going on shows and maybe even on tv. I think with attaching Prince Royce we will really catch peoples atention.
I think the students from Massachusetts, have a good idea. I think that are school should do the same and raise up to 5,000 dollars or more so we can be a good help for the people. It will be a good help to Japan, by saving up a little bit of money and sending them food. Its a sad moment seen all that happen in just seconds. I don't know what I would do if I were to be in the place of all the people that have been killed.
Another thing I would do is talk to some people located neer where there has been tsunamis, to tell them to leave there home and come to the U.S. for a while, because there might be a chance there will be another one neer by. So lets not take chances and save baby's, kids, and parents life's. I think this is a good idea because its less chances of more people being killed from this tragedy.
I think the NGP is amazing because it has front and rear cameras. It is very advance. It has motion censers, you can use the drum sticks to control the game. You can even touch the screen to play. It seems like the technology that is made is going to be transportable. This new invention seems like its a like the game sistems we have at home. This will be a good apportunaty to see the diffrences between the technology from back in the day and from the technology we have till this day. I have this image that I got from this link: